How Will the COVID-19 Vaccine be Distributed?

After nearly a year of pandemic-induced isolation and loss, we have recently had the announcement of not only one, but two, candidate vaccines with impressive efficacy data. Although this provides a glimmer of hope that we will eventually find our way out of this crisis, it is essential to recognize that there will not initially be enough vaccine available to immunize the entire population. Therefore, the vaccine will be distributed to the public in phases. You may be wondering where you or those you love lie on this index. Although this stratification is subject to change, here is what we know so far. There will be 4 major phases for vaccine distribution: 1a. High risk health care workers (hospitals, long-term care facilities, etc.) and first responders (police, fire, EMT) 1b. People with 2 or more co-morbid conditions (eg: asthma, heart disease, immune deficiency), and older adults in congregate/overcrowded settings 2. Teachers & school staff, critical workers in high-risk...