Please Participate in A Study on Psychosocial Coping in Food Allergy

Dear Food Allergy Families,

Please consider participating in the following study intended to explore the psychosocial coping needs of families with food allergy. As anyone who is living with food allergies understands, the psychological impacts of living with a potentially life-threatening condition are incredibly important, but sadly, often given short shrift in the context of limited time available during healthcare maintenance visits.

Participating in this study is an opportunity to contribute to our knowledge base about the strategies families utilize to cope with the diagnosis. Thank you!



We want to invite you to participate in an exciting study researchers from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine are conducting to explore the thoughts, emotions, and coping strategies individuals and families have and use as they manage food allergies. Led by Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH, the goal of this research study is to both identify the coping those living with food allergy or caring for someone with food allergy currently use that work best for them, and to gauge any interest in new interventions to improve psychosocial outcomes. With this information, we hope to inform future clinical care so that patients living with food allergy are provided with methods of coping that meet their psycho-social concerns living with food allergy. If you are living with a food allergy, or are a caregiver of someone who has a food allergy, we would greatly appreciate your participation! Please note, you must be 18 years or older to participate in this survey. To participate, we are asking you to complete a short and anonymous survey through the online service, REDCap. Being in this study is optional and voluntary. If you are interested in participating, click the appropriate survey link provided below and read through the consent form before proceeding. It should take you no more than 15 minutes to complete the survey. If you’re interested in completing the survey, please use the following link: If you are unable to click on the link or have any issues accessing the survey, please contact the research coordinator, Madeleine Kanaley, at or (312)-503-5339. Thank you for your participation, Lisa Lombard, PhD This study is Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine IRB #STU00210953 Title: Understanding the Psychosocial Coping Strategies of Individuals and Families Affected By Food Allergy Principal Investigator: Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH The content of this email has been approved by Northwestern University’s IRB.


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