My Son, Future Immunologist?

The other day, my 7 year old son came home from school excited to tell me about his day. His second-grade class had just begun a unit in science about the human body. As an introduction to the unit, his teacher asked the students to name organ systems.

One child called out, "the gut", and another, "the lungs".

But not my child. No, my kid offered up "the immune system"!

Here's the book he took from my office to read to his class:

"Our Immune System", by Sara LeBien

Obviously, I'm biased by both genetics and profession. But I couldn't be prouder. :-)


  1. Well, that'd be fun, right? That counts as going into the family business, I would say. My dad was an allergy doctor in Richmond, but I went into aviation. I admit, I'd be pretty please if my son took an interest in it, too.


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