Food Allergy Herbal Formula Study- Now Recruiting!

Great news for Illinois Food Allergy Families!

Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago is currently enrolling volunteers for a Phase 2 clinical trial of Food Allergy Herbal Formula-2 (FAHF-2). Please see my earlier blog post for details on this exciting therapeutic option.

In order to qualify, you must be:

  • 12-24 years old
  • Allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, fish or shellfish

The study will take ~9 months, and will involve skin prick testing, blood draw, oral food challenge, and treatment with a pill form of Chinese herbs.

If you are interested in participating, please call:1-888-573-1833 or email:


  1. Hi there Dr. Bajowala,
    Achoo! - Adventures of an Allergist Mommy is awesome! I've been reading your posts and they're so engaging :-)

    I am currently putting together a site called Allergy Kinder ( that I'm due to launch in a couple of weeks, and I was wondering if you would like to contribute an article (it can be short, moderate or long - up to you). Our categories are Complementary Medicine, Mainstream Medicine, Diet & Nutrition and Spirituality. And of course, you can choose to submit an article that you've already posted on your own site previously. We would also include a short bio of your fine self, and a link back to your site.

    Check the site out (still getting ready for launch and under construction), and it would be wonderful if you could submit something, as you're writing is interesting, informative and engaging.

    It would be wonderful to hear from you
    Aliki Christou
    Allergy Kinder

  2. Wow! This is great! I'm so excited for this natural therapy trial to start. I wish we lived closer to participate, but maybe I can at least help recruit some people through my blog posting about it.


  3. Hi Dr Sakina, is there an update on this study? Love to have access to more research studies/trials for TCM which are larger in sample size.

    Chat over twitter? @MarcieMom


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