The AllergistMommy's Thanksgiving List

10 things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving:

1. Increasing awareness of allergies and asthma among family and friends.
2. Schools that recognize the importance of not using food as a reward in the classroom.
3. The availability of novel, high-quality allergy and asthma-friendly products and foods.
4. Laws that protect the public from the dangers of environmental tobacco smoke.
5. The availability of life-saving epinephrine in Illinois schools (and hopefully soon, schools throughout the nation!)
6. A robust community of asthma and allergy parents and physicians sharing their experiences via the magic of social media.
7. Treasured patients who have put their trust in my expertise and care.
8. A steadily growing medical practice which is the beneficiary of kind word-of-mouth referrals (scheduled my 100th patient this month!)
9. The flexibility to set my own schedule, which allows me to a more involved mother.
10. My awesome family (and inspiration)...

Wishing you and yours a holiday season full of people, things, and experiences to be thankful for!


  1. A wonderful list! It's great to remember why we're thankful and all that we have in life.


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