Of All A Physician's Roles, The Most Important Is That Of Educator
Clinician. Diagnostician. Prognostician. Healer. A physician has many jobs to perform, all critical to the appropriate management of what ails our patients. Without astute physical exam skills or a keen ability to sort through a medical history to uncover salient data, the physician is no better at diagnosing a patient than a Google search (and we're quite a lot better, in case anyone was wondering). Without a proper understanding of physiology and pharmacology, the physician is no better at healing than a placebo, and might actually do harm! As patients, we rightfully base our assessments of our physicians' competence on their ability to (as quickly and non-invasively as possible) determine what's wrong, and what to do about it. Unfortunately, we have also come to view physicians as the barrier to care, rather than the source of care. Who stands between the sick patient and the antibiotic? Whose signature is required before the blood test can be performed? The fundam