My Advice to Our President- Get Some Professional Help in Your Quest to Quit Smoking

President Obama addressed the American Medical Association in Chicago on Monday June 15th, aggressively pushing his plan for health care reform. During his speech, he stated, "That starts with each of us taking more responsibility for our health and the health of our children. It means quitting smoking, going in for that mammogram or colon cancer screening." OK, I can agree with that.

However, on Friday, June 12, an exchange between reporters and White House press secretary Robert Gibbs made it clear that the President has not yet kicked the habit.

C'mon now, Mr. President! Your daughter is asthmatic- and you're still puffing away?

From the sounds of it, it seems that his sole aid in the fight to quit is Nicorette gum. Really? The leader of the free world, and all he can come up with is Nicorette? OK, maybe mood-altering medications like Zyban and Chantix are not the most appropriate for someone with his job description... but surely, counseling is allowed? If the Prez is getting professional help with this struggle to quit, I think he should proudly announce it, so as to decrease the reluctance of other smokers to seek help.

And if he's not, what is he waiting for? He had the perfect opportunity this morning- maybe he should have asked the auditorium full of doctors for a consult.


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